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In order to better serve our customers, we ask that the following rules and regulations in conjunction with the city and county ordinances, be observed:

1. Containers must be at street side by 5:00 a.m. and cannot weigh more than 200 lbs.

2. Containers must be at least 2 feet apart with a 2-foot clearance from other objects with lids completely closed.

3. If an observed holiday occurs on your regular trash pickup day or week, your pickup may be delayed by one day. Please see our                                                   for complete details.

4. Hazardous Wastes cannot be disposed of in a solid waste landfill. The following is a list of some of these wastes:

     a. Motor oil and antifreeze

     b. Paint products and paint thinner

     c. Pool chemicals and chemical solvents

     d. Batteries (all types)

     e. Space heaters and thermostats

     f. Fluorescent lighting tubes

     g. Flammable or combustible 


     h. Toxic or corrosive waste

     i. Compressed gas cylinders

     j. Computer monitors and televisions

     k. Computers, printers, VCRs or other electronic waste 

Residents may take these items to the following County of San Bernardino Household Hazardous Waste Facility for proper disposal:

            Hesperia Fire Station

            17443 Lemon Street

            Hesperia, CA 92345


            Tuesday and Thursday

            9:00am to 1:00pm

            Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm

5. The Hesperia Fire Station WILL NOT accept the following items:

     a. Business/commercial waste

     b. Tires

     c. Radioactive materials

     d. Furniture and appliances

     e. Asbestos, reactives and explosives

For non-residential and business waste disposal, call 1-800-OILY-CAT or 1-800-CLEANUP for assistance.

County customers: Please note that E-waste disposal such as computer monitors, televisions, VCR's, printers, stereos, etc. occurs twice a year: once in Spring and again in Fall. These items may be picked up from your home by appointment only. Please call our office for further information and to schedule 

an appointment.

6.  Accounts not paid in full may be subject to a collection process. Monthly service charges may continue to be added to your account along with finance charges and other collection charges as applicable.

7. Property owners are ultimately responsible for their tenant's trash service. The property is subject to liens if unpaid.

State Assembly
Bill 939 (AB 939)


The State of California

implemented Assembly Bill 939

"The Integrated Waste Management

Act of 1989" to regulate solid waste management and establish integrated waste management guidelines. These priorities are: source reduction, recycling and composting, and environmentally safe transformation and land disposal.


The following are major provisions

for AB 939:


Board Review and

Plan Implementation

This implementation provides the State authority to impose fines up to $10,000 per day to Cities and Counties not adhering to State, City and County laws and regulations.


Waste Diversion Mandates

These mandates require each City and County to implement landfill diversion 25% by the year 1995; 50% by the year 2000 and seeking to impose a 75% landfill diversion rate by 2020.


Integrated Waste

Management Planning 

This replaced the County Solid Waste Management Plan. This plan requires all Cities and Counties to implement a plan for waste characterization, source reduction, recycling, composting, solid waste facility capacity, education and public information, special waste and household hazardous waste.


California Integrated Waste

Management Board

This Board replaced the Solid Waste Management Board. This Board represents the public, private sector and environmental interests.


Permitting and Enforcement

This provides a statewide system for permitting, inspections, enforcement and maintenance for solid waste facilities also adopting standards to protect air, water and land from pollution.

State Assembly
Bill 1826 (AB 1826)


Commencing April 1, 2016, the bill  AB  1826,  requires  a business that generates eight (8) cubic yards or more of organic waste per week to arrange for recycling services for that organic waste in a specified manner. The bill would decrease the amount of organic waste under which a business would be subject to those requirements from 8 cubic yards or more to 4 cubic yards or more on January 1, 2017. The bill would also require a business that generates 4 cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week, on and after January 1, 2019, to 
arrange for organic waste recycling services and, if the department makes a specified determination, would decrease 
that amount to 2 cubic yards, on or after January 1, 2020. 


Advance Disposal Co. customers are currently in compliance with AB 1826 due to our “Dirty MRF” process which means, all garbage goes into one can and we sort so you don’t have to. Our process is designed to handle and recycle all material. Additionally, if you would like a tour of our facility or more detailed education regarding our process,  please  contact  us  at  (760)  244-9773.

State Assembly
Bill 341 (AB 341)


Signed by the Governor in October 2011, Assembly Bill 341 requires that on or before July 1, 2012, local governments must implement, and businesses must comply with, a mandatory commercial solid waste recycling program.  

According to the State, the commercial sector generates over 60 percent of California's solid waste.  Therefore, AB 341 requires businesses that generate four cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week, and multifamily residential dwellings of five units or more, to implement a recycling program.  

To comply with the State requirements, the City has an exclusive franchise agreement with Advance Disposal Co. to collect, process, recycle and dispose of solid waste from residential premises and commercial businesses in the City of Hesperia. This process is considered to be the equivalent of mandatory commercial recycling in that all solid waste generated by businesses and multifamily units will be collected by Advance Disposal Co. using existing trash enclosures and bins, and processed through a mixed waste materials recovery facility.  This eliminates the need to modify existing bin enclosures to accommodate separate recycling bins and train employees on recycling requirements.  As required by AB 341, the City of Hesperia and Advance Disposal Co. will track, monitor and report to the State on program effectiveness and diversion data.  

Commercial businesses may choose to conduct their own source separation activities and self-haul to a recycling facility.  Such activities may enable businesses to reduce their solid waste trash collection costs by reducing their bin size (s) and/or frequency of trash pick-up.  It is an existing right of businesses to donate or sell their recyclable material.


Detailed information, resources, and answers to frequently asked questions are available on CalRecycle's website.

State Senate
Bill 1383 (SB 1383)


As of January 1, 2020, the state of California must achieve a 50% reduction in the amount of organic waste being disposed of in the landfill. By January 1, 2025, the state is required to reduce 75% of disposal of organic waste. Some examples of organic waste are food waste, garden clippings, wood, paper, and cardboard. Advance Disposal Co.  is a high diversion facility committed to providing a comingled single can service and continues research and development efforts to do so. Due to our process, our customers remain in compliance with Assembly and State legislation.


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