We reduce the amount we use - we use less.
We reuse what we already have – use again.
We make something new from what
we have already used and reused.
Here are some helpful
tips on Reducing, Reusing
and Recycling...
Reserve one day for your shopping
and errands instead of making
multiple trips all the time to reduce
fuel and fuel emissions.
Did you know 1/3 of food goes to waste? (some say half). The first thing you can do is reduce your food waste by keeping better track of grocery items bought versus what is consumed when going shopping. Also eat leftovers before their expiration date.
Become a zealot about turning
things off: the water (while brushing your teeth), the lights (when not in
the rooms or being used), the electronics (turn off items that use ‘phantom energy’).
Check out garage sales and estate sales before shopping the retail stores.
Use old t-shirts for yardwork, vehicle cleaning, or even dusting or cleaning your home instead of papertowels or one-time use towels.
Shoe boxes can be turned into great storage for files, bills or even toys.
Recycle things you don’t want any more by donating them to local charities or non-profit organizations – old toys, clothes, furniture, decor, games, movies, books, and tools.
Recycle your cell phone. Visit our Recycling Programs webpage for information on Advance Disposal’s
"Cell Phones for Soldiers" program.
Recycle paint, motor oil, toxic household cleaning supplies and batteries. The local Hesperia
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility is located at:
Hesperia Fire Station
17443 Lemon Street
Hesperia, CA 92345
Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Click here for more information on Household Hazardous Waste (HHW).

Recycling Facilities
Advance Disposal Company sorts through all the incoming trash through our Material Recovery Facility (MRF), and separates the trash from the recyclables for all of its customers and service areas. This can be
a very tedious and time consuming task, however, this is the reason Advance Disposal has maintained one of the
highest diversion rates in the entire
County of San Bernardino.
Advance Disposal does not buy-back plastic, aluminum or glass from customers. However, buy-back facilities are located in Hesperia that will pay you California Redemption Value (CRV) for California redeemable aluminum, plastic and glass, such as:
SA Recycling
10651 E Avenue Hesperia
(760) 947-5522
Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 8am-2pm
Leftover Paint?
Did you know that there are more than 500 paint stores who have volunteered to serve as drop off PaintCare locations for residents and businesses? These stores accept unwanted or leftover paint for recycling during their regular business hours? Certain restrictions apply. To learn more or to find the nearest place to take old paint visit or call 855-724-6809. PaintCare is a non-profit administering the California Paint Stewardship Program
that started in
October 2012.
Charitable Organizations
In an effort to promote the 3 R's
...Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...
we suggest that instead of throwing away items, consider giving your old clothes, toys, furniture or small appliances to a local charity or church.
Almost all non-profit organizations will pick
up from your house and a portion of your
donation is tax deductible. Remember
to ask for a receipt!
If you are a non-profit organization that accepts household donations and would
like to be added to our list, please feel
free to email your information to Luisa Quintero, LuisaQ@advancedisposal.com
Rescue Mission
(760) 955-5958
Thrift Store Location:
17376 Main Street, Hesperia
Please call Monday - Friday 8:00am to
5:00pm to schedule a pickup from your
home or business.
Vietnam Veterans of America
(800) 822-VETS (8387)
Please call Monday - Friday 8:00am to
4:00pm to schedule a pickup from your
home or business.

Paper Recycling Program
The following schools are now partnering with Advance Disposal Company and the City of Hesperia
in the Hesperia Schools Paper
Recycling Program:
Cedar Middle School
Cypress School of the Arts
Eucalyptus Elementary
Hesperia High School
Hesperia Junior High School
Kingston Elementary
Krystal School of Science,
Math & Technology
Lime Street Elementary
Maple Elementary
Mesa Grande Elementary
Mesquite Trails Elementary
Mission Crest Elementary
Mojave High School
Oak Hills High School
Pathways to College
Ranchero Middle School
Topaz Preparatory Academy
Paper recycling boxes with blue bags are provided to each school and placed in the classrooms and in office areas on campuses at no cost to the school. By students and staff placing mixed paper items in the blue bags inside the recycling boxes provided, Advance Disposal is able to identify these bags during the sorting process.
The bags help keep the mixed paper
free from waste, enabling the paper recycling process to begin at the
Material Recovery Facility (MRF) located at Advance Disposal.
Students and staff are educated through informational flyers, presentations, assemblies and contests on recyclable mixed paper. Pizza parties have been enjoyed by many students for participating in the program as well as gift cards, coloring books and special gifts such as reusable lunch bags, reusable water bottles, and pencils made from recyclable materials.
Visit our Students/Teachers page for more information.
It is the goal of Advance Disposal
and the City of Hesperia to educate
and inform students on the importance of the Environmental R’s –
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
If you have any questions regarding this program or would like additional information on recycling, please contact:
Luisa Quintero
Recycling Analyst &
Community Relations Specialist
(760) 244-9773 ext. 249